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  • If you are a interested in seeing a practitioner for the first time and haven't decided if it's right for you then this phone conversation is designed to help you learn more about the way we work and if we are able to help with your situation.

    Dr Shania Seeber is a qualified Naturopathic doctor, with more than 2 decades of experience in working in the field of integrative and personalised medicine She uses Complementary Alternative Medicine, lifestyle modification and prescription diets and supplements to address your root cause of illness. Her work in integrative medical practices that specialised in hormones and detoxification has geared her to specialise in toxicity syndromes, hormonal imbalances and auto immune diseases. If you have any form of chronic condition that has not been responsive to treatment, or if you are concerned about your health, or you would just like to be a healthier version of yourself, please book a discovery call.